Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, January 28, 2011

Egyptian Gov't Gives Internet Lesson to American Patriots

Shutting down the internet and digital comm is far too easy.

Egypt did it.

FedGov can and will, too.  I grow more convinced every day that in a Ruckus there will be very, very few Warriors with the spine and ideological courage to abandon the velvet-covered chains and step to our Masters.

No important industry will deny Government demands, and if they do, they are easily taken over with a few platoons and a team of technicians.

Have you considered the logistics of a Ruckus with no comm, no electricity, no running water, no fuel at gas stations...

All of these basics are easy for Government to interrupt...and just as easy for FreeFor.


1 comment:

  1. Silicon Graybeard has a post on his blog about this that speaks of some alternatives for maintaining the flow of information. Being an engineer, he attacks the problem enthusiastically (although he actually wrote the initial post a while back, before we actually saw this .gov behavior in China and now Egypt. :-) Give it a look. http://thesilicongraybeard.blogspot.com/


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