Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kerodin.com: Weight of the Chains

Every infringement upon your Liberty is imposed by men and women who demand that they may be your Master.  They use the force of Law and Government to impose their will in all matters, from the car you may drive to the length of grass you may keep in your yard, to the unconscionable and preposterous claim that they are entitled to a portion of every fruit that comes from your labor.

They are tyrants, and Traitors.

If we decide to simply live our lives and die without changing what exists today, then you are ensuring that your children, one day, will meet men and women from Government bearing arms and even heavier chains.

If we decide as a nation to kill or imprison every tyrannical Traitor among us, we will breathe the fresh air of Liberty Mister Jefferson understood.

If we do not find the mettle to kill or imprison tyrants and traitors, we deserve the chains upon us.

Read the column at Kerodin.com


  1. You're right about this, you know. The thing is, I bet, scratch that, know, some of the most "liberty minded" among our countrymen would wet themselves at the thought or realization of a truly free society.

    You'll make a good Alaskan someday, Kerodin. Well, a non-Anchorage Alaskan. There are some good people there, but it's largely going the way of most urban areas.

  2. Thanks AP, I have my eye on a little cabin on the western coast of Kodiak...no neighbors except the bears, no roads, and no reason on Earth for anyone to knock on my door. Heaven.

    I agree that most people never really stop to think just how much control they accept as routine. I'm not an anarchist, I really believe Government has its place. But its place is to defend our shores and skies, and darned little else.

    Free Markets can do almost everything we need done, better.


  3. AP, you are dead on. I grew up learning to live off the land and knowing to only take what I needed. Most of the trash talkers just want an express lane at Wally World. If they had to work a garden or butcher their own meat, they would blow Chunks. (Chunks is my Catahoula hog dog, btw)


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