Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, January 14, 2011

No feeding the hungry without a permit...

One more example of how this nation is being intentionally ruined: Story is here.

When Government prohibits one Citizen from giving food to a hungry Citizen, Government is immoral, corrupt, and not fit to exist.

Any Citizen who yields in his charity because Government says he may not have a permit exemplifies why so many Americans will get on the buses and train cars to the ovens...



  1. This link goes to the "cocky whacko" story.
    Is that a mistake?

  2. Sorry Honourable, I fixed it.


  3. If you are not a 'productive' member of society, you should be allowed to starve or freeze to death. I'm sure the city council in Houston knows that when word got out about this act of kindness, their fair city would be over run by 'non-productive' people looking for a handout, so they Barney Fifed it. Nip it in the bud. God forbid that some taxpayer have to witness the horrifing sight of some derelict sleeping on the sidewalk in front of Neiman Marcus. Nip It! Nip it in the bud!


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