Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


While any single State, even a small collection of weak States, would be easily handled by FedGov if they tried to employ nullification, here is the question for the III:  If Wyoming or Montana, or any other State declared nullification and found themselves facing FedGov boots on the ground, would that be a line in the sand that would have you gear up and cause a rear-action ruckus?



  1. Absolutely. If the state cannot protect her citizens by virtue of the powers vested in her by the Constitution, then there is no protection left for the citizens, as the rights of the individual have already been destroyed. I realize most folks would prefer not to have to suffer the turmoil, destruction, and loss of life attendant upon opposing FedGov, but we either fight or hold our arms out for our chains.

  2. I agree with you, Reg.

    If one of our states musters the spine to tell the Federal Government to back off, that is exactly the kind of political leadership we need across the republic.

    The Feds would try to crush it, but it would be worth it for every Patriot to show up and cover the backs of those who took a stand.


  3. Like you, Sam, I am not confident that even one percent of the three percent (~90K?) will step forward if/and when it becomes necessary, but I think it is going to take at least one state drawing that line before there will be a response of any kind.

    I'd like to believe there are many of us who will fight, but - and I include myself - it will either have to be personal, with death or imprisonment likely, or it will have to provide a significant chance of success, such as the secession of a state. Even though the FedGov is much more powerful than any state, I am not sure they could bring it to bear upon citizens - and perhaps the Home Guard/State Militia/local law enforcement - who stood firm to keep Federal forces from seizing control of a state which chose to secede.

    A single community, or a group rallying to prevent another Waco, could easily be demonized and then defeated. Military troops could be convinced they were unlawfully rebellious, and a danger to society. Should the lawful government of a state choose to resist, however, it becomes much more difficult to justify violence against the duly constituted authorities and those acting on their behalf, including whatever citizens responded from other states. I would definitely make the sacrifices necessary for a chance at that sort of success.

  4. "A single community, or a group rallying to prevent another Waco, could easily be demonized and then defeated. Military troops could be convinced they were unlawfully rebellious, and a danger to society. Should the lawful government of a state choose to resist, however, it becomes much more difficult to justify violence against the duly constituted authorities and those acting on their behalf, including whatever citizens responded from other states. I would definitely make the sacrifices necessary for a chance at that sort of success."

    I would hope that the preventing of another Waco would be enough to bring the "3% Community" to a rally and muster point, no matter how we would be demonized. Even if not enough for some or even most, even if I am the ONLY ONE, I will be there.



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