Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Advancing Tyrannical Islam

The map is from CBS.  The details and their interpretations of intensity are meaningless.

What is meaningful: Islam is making a coordinated move for dominance.

Are they doing it now because they understand we are weak and have no will...or because they understand that our current leaders are sympathetic to their goals?

Either way, bad for you and me.

Entangling Alliances.  Remember that?  Moments like this reveal, once again, the wisdom of those who founded our republic and unleashed Liberty.

We need to build nuclear.  Right Now.  We need to remove oil from our national security threat matrix.

And we need to remove those among us who do not see Islam as a threat to Liberty...especially those in our seats of power.



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