Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Molly & Abigail

If we end up with a One Man Ruckus, where will your family fit into the circumstances?

I do not have children.  My nieces and nephews are scattered around the country.  When SHTF I will not go to them, nor do I expect they'll be able to get to me for safety.  When SHTF, my Tribe consists of two: Me and my bride.  My wife has my back.  She's proven it in circumstances that are far beyond the experiences most married couples must test.  I know for a fact that my wife would stand back to back with me and challenge the world with a knife in each hand, if that's what comes our way.  She is not looking for a fight.  But she knows a fight is likely, and that ultimately, we have no control over whether or not the fight comes to our door.

She is my Molly Pitcher.  She agrees with most of my politics.  She agrees with the effort I am investing in the III and the Liberty Movement.  She understands the risks.  She knows me and where I am willing to go if given no other choice.  And she'll go with me...whatever the cost.

Where is your wife?  Have you spoken to her about the Ruckus?  I mean, really let her into your deepest thoughts about what you may be called upon to do for Liberty.  Sometimes the best way to defend your home and hearth is to stay at home.  Sometimes, defending your family is best accomplished by leaving them behind while you take the field.  Is she willing to let you go?  Have you taught her to handle the tools she'll need?  Does she know her role if a Stack shows up at 4am for you?

Talking to the most important person in your world about these things is better today, before your house is filled with OpFor, or before you pack a Go Bag and decide to head for the Ruckus.



1 comment:

  1. My wife is terrified of guns after having one held to her head during an armed robbery. This was before we were married...well over 20 years ago. I've asked, but I still can't get her to go to the range with me. I need to "make" her and my teen daughter go to the range with me very soon, I think.

    My two teen sons have been shooting with me since they were old enough to hold a firearm. I taught them basic USMC marksmanship skills in the backyard with BB guns (much to the alarm of my douche-bag neighbors), and then we graduated to everything from .22 to 30.60. (NOT in the backyard!)

    Most times, my boys shoot better than me now. Must be my old eyes. My sons know where the guns are, how to use them, and WHEN to use them.

    Semper Fi.


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