Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Necessary Fails: Revisit at Kerodin.com

Necessary fails.

At this point in time, any claim that the political remedy has failed is objectively incorrect.  Every Patriot who dismisses voting as pointless, mocks those who endeavor to effect change through the political mechanisms written into the Constitution, is wrong.

Our voting system works.

It just happens that for several generations, the folks with whom we disagree have used the system more efficiently than have we Patriots.  They have been better at voting their guys into office than have we.  I'm sorry to burst your bubble - but facts are facts, even if they may be inconvenient.

If we are not willing to be honest with ourselves and one another, what claim have we to the moral high ground?



  1. I had tried to post a lengthy discussion, but blogger lost it.


    I'm not re-writing it, but basically, I believe that we do not surround them.

    Voting works well. That is precisely why we're not voting our way out of this.

    Americans want to be coddled and comfortable more than they want responsibility and freedom.

    Voting works, yes. That is why we are, and will continue to be, screwed.


  2. I agree, we who believe in Constitutional values are outnumbered greatly. When one combines the Left, the Middle and Establishment R's, the voting block is overwhelming. All three groups want the Status Quo, at best, and most actively push for a drift to the Left.

    Unless folks are willing to enforce the Constitution, the same way the enemies of Liberty are willing to enforce anti-Constitutional actions, we will soon vote ourselves into China.




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