Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Man Ruckus: Violence and Harm's Way...

Newsflash: I have enemies.  Some call themselves Patriots.  No matter.  I'll die with a list of enemies that will make me proud.

Folks who read my columns and here at the blog know my policy on violence is very clear.  My enemies are trying to paint that I am deliberately trying to incite you to do violence.  That's ok.  I see what is coming and I know the game that is being played.  I know some "Patriots" have new friends in Alphabet Agencies that they are pointing in my direction.  So be it. 

The Kerodin Doctrine on Violence:

Never take an unnecessary ass-kickin'.

If it ain't worth killing the other guy, it ain't worth swinging.

Violence to victory, by any means necessary, is always morally proper in self defense.

Political Violence in America is only morally proper when the mechanisms of peaceful political change, particularly the vote and peaceful surrender of office after a political loss, are denied by corruption.  That means 2A remedies to American political woes are not morally sound unless we are denied the right to vote, or the duly elected winner of a vote is refused his seat by a politician who refuses to leave office.

Vigilance Committees are an American Tradition for dealing with bad guys who find ways to skirt Justice and hurt good people. 

Killing innocents is offensive to the Soul.

Boys don't hit girls.



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