Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Man Ruckus

Image painted by Randy Steele
Friends, Brothers and Patriots: I gave my word to a man in Georgia that I would abide a brokered truce, to do my best to ignore friendly fire coming my way.  I will continue to do my best to honor that agreement, because the man in Georgia is one of the few on this planet I respect.

I've been accused in recent days of failing to lead, by those who would like to see me go away.

As I have said many times: Folks, I am not here to lead.  I appreciate each of you who write me privately and offer your support.  But it is important that everyone understand: Any self-claimed or self-appointed Leader is genetic waste who is driven by Ego and will get real Patriots killed if they choose to follow.

Some men and women are natural born Leaders, people who are trusted inherently by others when SHTF.  I would offer that if you visit these forums and consider yourself a III Patriot, YOU are an innate Leader, and when things get ugly your family, friends and neighbors will turn to you.

But you can not look to me, or CA, or AP, or anyone else - the Leadership role is yours, and yours alone.

You must assume that Comm will be down or compromised.  You must assume that because I am in DC and others are in Alaska, Georgia, Texas - we can't get to you and you can't get to us.  Leadership will be the tribe composed of you, your family, your friends, and those in your immediate AO who need someone with your skills to shoot, move and communicate, your skills and understanding of Constitutional issues, your skills in all the topics we here in the III Community discuss.  You are in school right now, receiving an advanced degree in real Leadership, just by taking part.

When SHTF - you're the Leader to whom those around you will naturaly turn.

If you find anything I say, or any link I provide, useful - please take what works for you and leave the rest.  Use the same formula at WRSA, Sipsey, AP, WoG, GoL, and across the boards that deal with our topics.  Because I promise, there will come a moment when others need a Leader, and you'll be it.

I'm going to post again about the use of violence in a moment.

Yours in Liberty,


1 comment:

  1. That's a nice painting, btw.

    Keep swinging.



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