Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Question for Oathkeepers & Whistleblowers...

How many Rights and Citizens have you violated in your career?

Do not look here for compassion when Citizen Trials begin.

Your names will be known once our guys get into the computers.

Your full list of crimes against Liberty will be known, and considered in your sentencing.

Mercy?  Leniency?

Ain't gonna happen.  We won't even hang you last...

Arctic Patriot has something on the topic as well.  Click Here.




  1. Death to Tyrants And their Minions.
    (in reference to comment @ Artic Pariot)

  2. Is there to be no forgiveness? Is there to be no redemption? Is there to be no allowance for changing of hearts or minds?

    They are the ones who created the unjustified, unaccountable, secret blacklists, which can't be corrected. Are you going to do the same thing to them? Are you going to BE them?

    The OPFOR hasn't yet done anything to us remotely LIKE what the Argentine OPFOR did to them, and yet the Argentines managed to change their government without a retaliatory bloodbath. The French broke out the guillotines and "got even with their enemies." Are you saying that we're no better than the 18th/19th century French? Will our restoration come to be known as The Terror in the same way as did the French Revolution?

    In a paraphrase of the words of Sun Tzu, if you put the enemy's back up against the wall with no hope of survival, he will fight to the death rather than surrender.

    A whole lot of revolutions in the last 500 years utterly failed to bring about improvements in freedom, liberty, or quality of life for the citizenry. I'd rather not have another one of those in this country. Don't bring your guillotine into my AO, thanks very much.

  3. Gaviota: Forgiveness and redemption are reserved for those who recognize their Treason before SHTF, mend their ways and genuinely repent.

    11th hour conversions are for convenience.

    It isn't about getting even.

    It is about Justice, and making sure that animals may no longer prey upon the decent.

    If that puts you and me at odds in the same AO, so be it.

    You turn your cheek if that works for you. I prefer never to give an enemy a chance to slap me twice.



  4. This intractible, inflexible, unforgiving malice is not who we Americans are. We are not living in the Balkans. Americans behave like the victors of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, where the winners restored the rule of law without murdering the usurpers. You will find yourself isolated and shunned if, after the restoration is won, you insist on hunting down and imposing your individual brand of "justice" on those who lost. Do you really want your name recorded in history alongside those of William Quantrill and Robespierre?

    I have a son, who has served two tours in Iraq, and I gave him the URL for your blog, and I asked him what he thought of your political stand. His first comment was: "This guy's never killed anybody." When I asked him to elaborate, he replied that in the Army, the combat veterans, who have killed men in combat, don't talk about it. They don't brag, they don't boast, and they don't make grandiose statements about "what we're going to do when..." The rookies do. They brag, boast, and tell each other stories about their dauntless courage until they come face to face with another human being and kill him.

    You've never killed a man. The fact that you say you want to is proof.

    I won't help you.

  5. Gaviota: I am very pleased that omniscient Patriots such as you and your son are part of the Movement.

    I do not brag or boast about having or wanting to kill anyone, but you know that in your omniscience. Statute of limitations would make it a silly thing to speak or write about, no? I have never expressed plans to go hunting for those who lost, either. I have never once incited anyone to violence. I advocate political solutions, until political solutions are exhausted.

    Nor have I asked for your help...in any matter.

    Please pay attention to the simple rules of this blog: It is not about Kerodin, it is about principles. Stick to the facts, do not make them up as you go along. Attack the principles, not the person, or go away.



  6. You want principles? Okay, here are principles. Principle requires that a man's statements be consistent in order to be considered valid. Let us just consider the statements made by you in this one post, nevermind all your past statements:

    You say: I have never expressed plans to go hunting for those who lost... but you SAID: Do not look here for compassion when Citizen Trials begin. Your names will be known once our guys get into the computers. Your full list of crimes against Liberty will be known, and considered in your sentencing.

    You say: I do not brag or boast about having or wanting to kill anyone... but you SAID: We won't even hang you last...

    You say: I have never once incited anyone to violence... but you SAID: Mercy? Leniency? Ain't gonna happen.

    Using the principle of Occam's Razor to analyze your writing, your posts here on your blog stated that your principles require you to hunt down the people you accuse of "crimes against Liberty," put them on trial in the your "Citizen Court," and hang them. All this in direct contraction to your replies to me.

    The principles of this Republic call that revenge and premeditated murder.

    I say, my principles forbid me doing that. You may not have asked for my help, but you have invited, indeed demanded, my opposition.

  7. Gaviota:

    graf 2: How is "Do not look here for compassion when Citizen Trials begin" translated that I, Kerodin, intend to go hunting? It doesn't. Fail.

    graf #3: How is doing a thing that may be necessary equal to having done that thing in the past or wanting to do that thing in the future? Fail.

    graf #4: Inciting someone to violence is telling X to go and do a violent act. How can any reasonable person interpret my statement, which was "Mercy? Leniency? Ain't gonna happen." as a call from me to anyone to go and do violence? Fail.

    A call to violence would be akin to a Keyboard Commando telling his minions to go and do something that may result in hurting someone. A cowardly call to violence would be the same Keyboard Commando making the same call, while never having the balls to leave his own sofa while those who follow his cowardly orders risk liberty and life.

    graf 5: You and Occam should really have a discussion about how you choose to interpret the plain language I have written and must conclude that I am "...require[d] to hunt..." That is your conclusion, not mine.

    My readers know me well enough to know that I say what I mean and mean what I say. You draw false intent from my written words as well as a Brady defines the words of 2A.

    The principles of the republic, by the way, have a reasoned and acceptable mechanism for dealing with traitors to the oath of office and the attempt to overthrow or undermine the proper republican form of government by deliberately mis-defining words to reach their agenda: Such as interpreting Interstate Commerce as a legitimate reason to invade 2A, much as your deliberately inaccurate interpretation of my written words attempt to lead one to a place I never went.

    The mechanisims are Impeachment and Treason. Executing Americans for Treason is a legitimate function of our Federal Government, not revenge or pre-meditated murder.

    If I have indeed demanded your "Opposition", I am looking forward to whatever action you think morally acceptable and physically capable of stopping me from any intent I may have...



  8. "All this in direct contraction to your replies to me."

    Correction: "contradiction" to your replies...

    I have to admit that I respect your fairness in posting comments that you disagree with. Now if you could fairly, and in a principled way, remove from your replies the sarcasm, strawman arguments, and ad hominem, the result would be a blog of statesman-like quality, a true leader in the movement. As it is now, you sound suspiciously like an agent provocateur. I hate to see, much less participate in, arguments among people on our side, so if you do too, let's bring it up a few notches, shall we?

  9. Gaviota:

    Any sarcasm, strawman arguments and ad hominem are in direct and deliberate proportion to those offered. You have been attacking me, "Kerodin" in every post, rather than the reasoned principles of Restoration.

    I am no Leader in this Movement and I have no desire to be. Leaders in the Ruckus that is coming are egocentric genetic waste and their followers are bullet-stoppers.

    As for an Agent Provocateur, we both know you came here specifically to attempt to spread that meme, and to argue, not have a reasoned discussion.

    If you return, drop the Kerodin agenda and we can have a real conversation about Restoration.

    Or, you may be more comfortable elsewhere.


  10. Very well. One more try.

    I state categorically that I offered no sarcasm or ad hominem. None.

    I see a direct parallel between the restoration of the government of Argentina after the Junta, and the restoration of the American government proposed by the IIIpers. After the murderous regime of the Argentinian Junta was deposed, there was a great outcry among the victims for blood justice, for the murderers, torturers, and kidnappers to be rounded up, tried, sentenced, and executed. The new government initally caused an enormous wave of protest by announcing that there would be a "reconciliation" for the former government officials in order to prevent another round of bloodshed, and a continuation of the civil war, and in order to achieve a reliable accounting from those officials of the dead and missing.

    It is my belief that a similar pattern of restoration would be of advantage to the United States and it's newly restored government. I believe that if the officials who are now members of the oppressing forces (OPFOR) were to understand that the forces of freedom (FREEFOR) intended to execute them for their crimes, two things would happen. One, they would fight to the death rather than surrender, thereby greatly increasing the casualty rates on both sides, and two, they would attempt to destroy any and all evidence of their wrongdoing, as much as possible, and attempt to disappear, making justice a problematic and difficult thing to achieve.

    What do you think?

  11. Yes, Restoration could take either avenue if it came to pass - but what mechanism will bring OpFor to the conclusion that FreeFor has any realistic means of deposing them? It will not happen by force, because the Liberty Movement has no intention of making a move. It will not happen by the vote because the quantity of takers is larger than the quantity of payers. Simple arithmetic.

    At this moment, OpFor is simply dismissive of the Patriot Community, and gives only the slightest head nod to the Tea Party. Folks sent to Washington in the Tea Party Brand have already been capitulated for the most part.

    Our current Political Class feels no threat to their seats and they are tightening the East German noose tighter at a rate that would make Mischa Wolfe weep with envy. OpFor is being strangled from existence and the remainder lost to attrition.

    We (The Patriot Movement) have demonstrated countless times we will accept any insult or injury without rising up. Short of economic collapse, there will be no event that puts Patriots in the streets.


  12. Wait a minute. You just changed the subject on me. Your original post and all of my subsequent comments center on what happens AFTER the Restoration, not what it will take to trigger it. That's a whole 'nother debate.

    Can you comment on what you see as a good outcome of the Restoration? Should we follow the Argentine model, or go the way of the French Revolution, or the American post-Civil War Reconstruction?

  13. Gaviota: I did not change the subject, at all.

    My original post says nothing about "post-Ruckus" - that is a conclusion you drew from the text and chose to use as a premise.

    What makes you think Citizen Trials will only begin after the Ruckus?

    I, for one, can multi-task.


  14. Okay, I'm done. Like you suggested, there are a lot of other places in which I'm more comfortable, where the free exchange of ideas, principles, and philosophy are done by adults, without your Slick Willy word-parsing, topic shifting, sarcasm, and ad hominem.

    Good bye.


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