Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, March 21, 2011


Soldier from Drudge
 This is why Politics matters in our fight for Liberty in the republic.

Every man and woman who has ever been paid for violence understands that when you unleash the civil and moral restrictions holding the average human animal in check, when you enter into widescale violence, our lower brains dominate.  The Professional can keep it together.  The amateur takes trophies and collateral damage numbers go up.

Am I calling our young servicemen Amateurs?  Only in this sense: They do not have the experience and perspective of a veteran who has been in the real world of violence for decades.

Every nation in the world knows to stand down when Americans are seriously on the march.

This story helps to illustrate why we, as a nation, should keep our noses out of everyone else's business, and why we Patriots must refrain and restrain our impulses to unleash such Hell upon our neighbors.

My work is not to convince Left and Right to make nice and live forever in happiness.

Ain't gonna happen.

Left and Right can not coexist.  Liberty must die if Left wins.

I am simply taking notes for the next evolution of Americans.

Perhaps they will be smarter than are we.


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