Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What do you think of the man?



  1. i'm not very knowlegable, but from what i've seen
    he seems pretty squared away.

    i remember when doing local campaign work there were rumors that he might have been VP runningmate with Ron Paul.

    biggest iffy thing that i pulled up on a quick search is that he really likes ralph nader.

  2. The little bit I know comes from seeing him on fox business news.He seems to be genuine libertarian who wants smaller Govt. If he is genuine then he is ok. In my opinion.


  3. Seems to be an honest American. From what I hear coming out of his mouth he gets it. Having him elected to office would be the real test....

  4. I know his name. I know he understands the proper role of Congress as defined by Art. 1, Section 8.

    As I generally refuse to watch TV, I know little else about him. I watch a little during big events (hurricane Katrina, elections, big, national events, etc.), but that's it.

    I am immediately and immensely suspicious of anyone who could be considered a "TV personality".

    I would have to learn more to form a coherent opinion.


  5. He is smart, very, very smart. I have not heard much from him that I disagree with, that said I do not believe he will pick up arms and join us. He thinks the system can be saved and repaired.

  6. He is on every night at 8pm Eastern, on Fox Business Channel.

    I would commend everyone to watch his show for one week, then come back and comment.

    I don't agree with every position he takes...but most.



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