Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

87 new R's went to the House.  Many of them claim to be Tea Party politicians.

We know better.

Why is it so hard to simply send 218 patriotic Americans to the House with one simple command: Exercise the word No!

No more debt ceiling.  No more spending.  No more 2A infringements. 




It's a simple word, mono-syllabic for those folks who don't want to work too hard.

There is nothing wrong with going to Congress and becoming That Guy, the Party of No...and as Sarah said, the Party of Hell No!

Why are you afraid?  It's not like you face a prison sentence for voting No.  Your paycheck won't be docked for refusing to compromise.

Try it, Congress.  Just once.



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