Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, April 11, 2011

GeoPolitical: Uprising in India?

Financial Times has a piece that considers the potential for India to follow Egypt into popular uprisings.

If this happens, we will see mushroom clouds in our lifetime.

India is a democracy, and corruption is rampant.  Savage poverty is the norm, living alongside great wealth and power.  It has always been so.  It will be so when I die, whenever that may be.

What is dangerous in India is the seething hatred between Muslim and Hindu, the border with Pakistan, and nuclear weapons.  China has her own interests in the region that do not benefit anyone but China. 

There are certain demons that should never be unleashed, for once they are free they will run their course.  Such is the case in India.

Anyone who looks at our world headlines, watching as Islam rises in these countries around the world and does not see a pattern, a deliberate set of actions designed to undermine the Status Quo and change the paradigm of the world, should look again, with a cynical eye.

Here is the story.


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