Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Jersey: Third World

The story of a pair of naked children wandering the streets in Jersey City should speak to each of us who seek First World status again in America.

No, America is no longer First World.

The story from Jersey City could have come from any major Metro in America today.  We can discuss the societal ruin brought about by years of deliberate destruction by Liberals who profit from Fatherless families, but there is no point.

The teenaged girls who found and protected the young ones deserve more credit than they have thus received.

Have you ever been to a Third World city?  Mexican border towns don't count.

If you have been to a genuine Third World country, you can see the images on our own streets if you look.  You can see our transition.  You can see it in our politics and corporate corruption.

I have no intention of living in a Third World America.

The Jersey City story is here.  It is a symptom of the success of Liberalism, which is Communism in a cloak.


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