Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Arctic Patriot

The images I use for Arctic Patriot were built specifically for the III to Liberty book, to which he contributed an outstanding piece.

I mention that fact not to plug the book, but to point out the simple fact that: For as long as I have known AP, he's been acting and looking for more ways to act...

That is what we need...anything except inaction.

Do something, no matter how insignificant you may think the act, do something that advances your principles, every day.

Here is AP's latest.  It deserves to be read.



  1. This movement, our movement is akin to beating your head against a wall.

    I believe that at a certain point everyone fighting this fight WILL run out of gas and/or become overwhelmed with the ignorance of John Q public and find themselves turning inward, to what is theirs.

    If you don't it WILL eat you up and the repercussions of that will be catastrophic.

    This is not a commentary on AP's post. He did remind me of my personal, at times feeble attempts at standing my ground and trying to live up to our founders republic and to leave this place better than I found it.

    Kerodin makes a great point

    "Do something, no matter how insignificant you may think the act, do something that advances your principles, every day."

    This to me is an empowering statement. One for all of us folk to remember, "it's the little stuff" that matters.

    Nice Kerodin


  2. Thanks, Mozart.

    We are living through a series of Boston Massacres, and thus far all of the damage has been done to Citizens and none to the forces of the King.

    This will change. One day, someone will have had enough and will step off the porch. There will be an idiot who bloodies the King's lip and brings us all off the porch...or not. It may take more than one.

    Until then, we are all in this same, strange netherworld.

    Stay safe.



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