Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, January 9, 2012


UPDATE: Bloggers - if you would like your blog listed at IIIPercent.com please add it to your blogroll then send me an email and I'll add you.  We intend to drive considerable traffic to IIIPercent.com to build the III audience, and we invite you to have your site listed there to help build our community.

I've already added a few blogs, if I have missed you, let me know.


Start thinking about a script for a 60 second radio ad that will reach the Rush/Hannity audience.  I'm working with the DC Metro station that carries these shows, and the rates are reasonable.  We'll see where we get with our negotiations, then I'll bring the numbers to you and we can decide whether or not to go that direction right now.

Any newspaper buy will begin at $10,000 for a small, one-time buy.  Very poor bang for the buck.

I'm discussing options with cable operators, but since it is the political season the rates are pretty steep.  More info as I get it nailed down.

Business Cards or bookmarks?  If you are going to head into gun shops, gun shows, Occupy camps, Tea Party's, would you prefer to hand out business cards or bookmarks?  I vote for business cards for 2 reasons: They are cheaper and they are easier to keep in your pocket for those unexpected moments when you want to give a couple out.

Stickers: Free templates down below. 

More later.



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