Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, January 8, 2012

III Stickers


I have created 2 templates for folks who want to print off stickers.

The first template, here, is for Branded stickers.  I have put IIIPercent.com on the stickers so people know where to go.

The second template is NOT Branded.  Feel free to use either one, as you see fit. The template is here.

Both will work on Avery 5164 and Avery 5524 labels.  The labels are the same size, but the 5524 are weatherproof - they'll last longer if you put them outside.

I've created the template so you can do this at home for less money than we can print and sell stickers.  If America527 were to order or print these things in-house, we'd have to ask for a donation of almost $20+ for 100 stickers just to cover ink, labels and postage.  Just like reloading, you can get more bang for your buck doing it at home. 

If anyone thinks we should go ahead and do the printing in-house as well, let me know.

Put these things where they will earn attention.  Remember, there is no such thing as bad publicity...unless they actually get video of you in the bed with the little boy.  So put these things where they will win allies and where they will annoy enemies.

Yes - there will probably be some blowback if you put branded stickers in annoying places.  My position: If the local news picks up the story and advertises IIIPercent.com for us, we win. 

Good hunting, folks.



  1. I have tried to provoke with one of these stickers


    I have it on my motorcycle helmet just to see. So far in 18 months, not one time have I been pulled over.

    So...It's time to replace it with one of these.

  2. Nice. Thanks for the free swag. I'll have to get some sticker sheets.

  3. Printed one out and popped it on the back of my truck. Looks goooooood!
    Next time I see some daylight (this weekend) I post a picture of it.

  4. The website itself is no longer around but thanks to floppy disc all of it's content is still available oldies.


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