"We need a president who will enforce current laws, not create new ones that only serve to burden lawful gun owners," Romney told thousands of NRA members in St. Louis for their annual convention.
New boss, same as the old boss.
Personally, folks, I see the only difference between our current President and Romney will be the timing of our crater.
And I am not certain Romney will buy us any more time than will a second Obama term.
The hard-wired machinery that is chewing the republic to pieces is in place and working 24/7, and I have not seen a single plan or proposal from Romney that will even attempt to slow the rate of failure.
So, please tell me why I should not vote for President Obama (or abstain).
And for the record: Appointing the next Justice at SCOTUS is not a sufficient reason. They have proved time and again that they are merely the endorsement for corruption, rather than a check or balance.
Here's the link.
"And for the record: Appointing the next Justice at SCOTUS is not a sufficient reason. They have proved time and again that they are merely the endorsement for corruption, rather than a check or balance.
Spot on and totally agreed with. The only thing different will be timing. With the current race war starting, a vote for Romney may be the tipping point towards instant provocation. There is no lesser of two evils here,
I voted in the primary in my state and that will be the last time I cast a vote..ever. I will never vote in the false paradigm of rep vs dems, right vs left again. They all take their marching orders from the same fucking people. Done.
ReplyDelete"So, please tell me why I should not vote for President Obama."
ReplyDeleteVote for the guy trying to start a Race War? C'mon man, tell us you ain't serious.
Treaded88: The Race War is merely a means to imposing the Communist Dream. It is the same place we are headed with either candidate.
DeleteMitt may not incite a Race War, but it will happen anyway when the economy implodes.
So, is it not 6 one way and half-dozen another?
Ya know in retrospect you're right, it just really doesn't matter one damn bit. Race war and implosion now so they can "clamp down" and hide the economic implosion and take credit for taking some grandiose action that "saved America" or the slow lingering economic death that crashes in one mighty act.
Delete"The Rhodesian Farmer at War" becomes ever more applicable.
Time. Time is precious. Voting against the illegal scum soetoro-obama will buy us time with Romney.
ReplyDeleteDAN III
DeleteIn the name of the Union ... the glorious Union... yankeee rule? Cheers to the south......raise your battle flag !!!!!! show your southern pride.
ReplyDeleteSam nice work brother!
Bill Nye
The thing is does your vote matter? The teaparty got folks elected to congress in 2010 and what changed? No defunding of the idiot programs and more games. Holder, Obama, Big Sis and Katherine Selibus have all commited what I consider "high crimes and misdemeanors" folks murdered in the Fast and Furious" and the "Bill of Rights" and the Constitution are treated as jokes by all the PTBs. The rule of law is a joke. Zimmerman is sitting in a jail cell and Corzine is free and look at the bounties?
ReplyDeleteYou're corect. Mike Kelly-R, 3-PA was TEA party elected. What a joke he is. He's voted twice for the Patriot Act. He's voted to support soetoro-obama's unconstitutional military action in Libya, by refusing to defund military action there. Kelly has voted to take away our civil rights, due process, by his vote to support soetoro-obama's National Defense Auth. Act.
DeleteYep....we elected many traitorous congressmen. Kelly-R, 3-PA is just one example.
The "rule of law" does not apply to the rich and politically connected.
The template has been set long before Obama, he is just a continuation of the plan. Every anti-liberty law, Act, E.O., and every usurpation of our constitution, has been a slow deliberate act from president to president, and from congress to congress. Of course, 911 was just the catalyst that Bush, Obama, congress, and their handlers needed to accelerate the totalitarian government State. 911 was rather convenient for TP’sTB. Americans literally cr*pped their pants in fearful frenzy, got out their dusty flags, and waved them with their eye’s in the headlights stare clamoring like a bunch ewe’s “save me.” Perfect. And here we are. Obama is nothing more than the push agent. A scape-goat to see how far TP’sTB can push your buttons. And AmeriKans actually believe that if/when Romney is elected president, that all of this is going to change. Nothing is going to change. Romney will not repeal one E.O. that affects our liberties. Romney will not repeal the PATRIOT Act., NDAA or any other anti-terrorist Act/law that has more to do with chaining Americans than catching real terrorists. Romney is not going to dismantle the Dept. of Homeland Stasi. Romney is not going to dismantle the TSA. Romney is not going to dismantle all the Fusion Centers throughout AmeriKa. Romney IS NOT going to dismantle the current POLICE STATE as we know it. It will stay in place. Romney will be just another change agent. And the totalitarian State will continue. No… if/when Romney is elected, the vast majority of RINO‘s will sigh in one big collective relief and crawl into bed with their television remote. And the police STATE will continue. Sure, he may tone it down, but NOTHING will change. Or, TP’sTB, might just decide that they have everything in place to actually pull off the final destruction of what is left of the constitutional republic.
ReplyDeleteSmoke and mirrors. Bread and circus. And AmeriKans are nothing more than the audience in the Gladiator Coliseum. A mob. Living at the whim of their thumbs.
Well said. There's hardly another person I can talk to that doesn't start spouting the Repub/NRA line of bullshit of "all is saved if we could just find another guy like Reagan or Bush". Almost word for word from all of them, where do they hear this nonsense, Faux News? And you can't talk any sense of reason to them, they call me a communist because I won't buy into their line of voter bullshit. This has already been decided who will win, the rest is just another excuse to make millions more $ on taxpayer stolen campaign funds, for absolutely nothing.
DeleteWe truly are fuk'd.
Semper Fi, 0321
I've voted once in my life back in the 80's. I haven't voted since. I had thought about voting next year, but I'm going to pass. I've known since the 80's that the system is rigged and the players are, for the most part, already hand picked. Doing a protest vote, or the "I'll show them" vote, isn't going to make them squeal in horror. I read somewhere recently (you might want to look it up just in case I got my facts wrong) that the votes are going to be counted by some Spanish outfit in Spain who bought out the voting machines... and, the owner had invested heavily in Obama's last election. (Maybe it was the overseas military votes, not sure).
DeleteAnyhow, I wish I had the answers for you all. I don't. It seems the only thing we have to hang on at this moment, is that there will be a mass implosion in America that will set things off... maybe... and eventually, in the right direction. I guess we'll know when we know. Certainly, TP'sTB are getting their ducks all in a row... and they are way ahead of us... and the AmeriKan sheoples who, we can only hope have a sudden realization of what happened to them without going into the deer in the headlights mode as the truck smacks into them dead.
As a Christian man, and as I have said before, someone has to worship the beast. And we'll know soon enough if we are fighting against Gods will or not. That doesn't mean we just roll over, it just means either we win, or we lose, and the beast does his thing. No man knows the hour but God. I look at it this way... either way, we are not fuk'd. Not if we are willing to die for what we believe in. Because one day, it will be better die on you feet... than worship the beast on your knee's.
Regardless of one"s age, prepare to put fire downrange. With Romney we will buy some time. With soetoro-obama expect conflict with his reinstallment in the West Wing.
DeleteGot lead ?
More than 18 months ago I read that Rino Romney would be the nominee. Well....who's the 'Pub nominee ? RINO Romney.
DeleteYou're right. We're screwed.
Deletewhen the masses get 'rescued' from an impending catastrophe by the fedgov, do you think any of them will really know or understand who actually did this to them. Or will they even care? 95% of my friends today don't give a rat's ass about what is going on, should it change at all when it gets worse? I doubt it, most either don't have the mental capacity or are in some form of denial already, the PTB have taken thought/reason away with mass media desensitizing thru TV. The proles will get what they deserve, but it just makes more enemies for us. You are right, die a good death, nothing else matters.
Semper Fi, 0321
Semper Fi,
DeleteI think there are a few more out there than we may think there are when things go South. Even from those who we don't think "get it." Some people have to go through the fire to fully awake. I think we'll be surprised. A lot of them will have to be cultivated for sure at that time and be saved by us.
There will be plenty of time, as it won't be over anytime soon when it starts.