Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Prepper in Congress

A US Congressman - currently fighting to win in my District - is a Prepper.

He'll be in Spokane in September, at an event that I think a few III Patriots plan to attend for an informal meet.

Here's the column.



  1. Is there any rendezvous plan for the Spokane event? I asked the question on another blog but probably won't be able to find it again. Not sure I can make Spokane but I am going to try and would like to meet up.

  2. Yes, that is the event we will be meeting.
    I noticed he is Seventh Day Adventist. There are a lot of them here.
    Miss Violet

  3. Well I hope to meet "Miss Violet", and others in Spokane. The "must attend" date is set on my calendar! Looking forward to the preparedness expo as well....


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