Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Janos: III to III


The Citadel is one facet of that Oath, in action.

Not everyone who is III will go to the Citadel.

But everyone who is invited, will be III...whether they use the tag or not.

Read this from Janos.

We've got this...



  1. I couldn't comment there for want of an account, but I gotta say that was an amazing post. Very moving. I'm a big believer in principles first and that post sure captured the principles.

    Clearly the Citadel will have no problem with Media Relations!

    1. We have some AMAZING word smiths among the III% of the III%. Janos, Vernon, and K know how to fit a phrase to capture the essence and nuances of the heart and soul and imagination. They make me proud.

  2. Many thanks to Sam for posting this, and Jim for the kind words. If I can reach one Patriot that doesn't know we exist, or is perhaps still sitting on the fence, then we are that much stronger as a whole. :)

  3. I will make my stand where I am. I will not run or relocate. Here is home and hearth so here i will fight. Here i will make my stand.


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