Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Liberty is the only hope for Humanity

One need only scan the headlines of Drudge during any given week to see the means by which Enemies of Liberty mean to enslave the Human animal in every corner of planet Earth.

When one steps back far enough from a problem, you become able to see the big picture, rather than remaining mired in the details and minutia, the "Sparklies" that keep you distracted from the real issues.

On Earth today there is a struggle among Men for control of the planet.  There are four primary players.  Islam.  Marxism.  Self-Interest/Greed (We can call this one Human Nature).  Liberty.

Right now, Liberty is being handed its arse.  Liberty is very nearly about to be snuffed from the only place it even remotely remains on the entire planet: America.

Christianity is in full retreat across the globe.  Islam is rising hard and fast, aided by Marxists and the third player in the game for global control: Self-Interest/Greed.  Islam is a tool being used to suffocate Liberty.  And it is working.  Self-Interest/Greed is helping to hollow-out American power, transferring that power (economic) to Marxists, who use that power to further attack Liberty. (Jeep may soon become a Chinese product)

Once America is unable to protect herself properly, Liberty will be dead.

Then the Marxists will kill Islam, rather simply.  A series of tactical nukes in Cairo, Mecca, and population centers across the Muslim World will return Islam to the technological age of Mohammed.

The last bastion of Liberty in the world is America.  And I say that with full knowledge that only a tiny percentage of Americans want or understand true and Rightful Liberty.

So, the accurate statement is: The last bastions of Rightful Liberty on planet Earth reside in the Hearts and Souls of a few Americans.

I dare say that just a few hundred years ago, Rightful Liberty was first born in the same place, within the Hearts and Souls of a few Americans.

If we allow ourselves to end up in ditches, Liberty will be lost to Man, and true Darkness will cover Earth until Human Nature ultimately destroys the species.

Many people claim to be Patriots.  Many people claim to fight for Liberty.  But it only takes a few scratches of the surface of most "Patriots" to realize that their definition of Liberty is often as oppressive as Marx himself, but cloaked in words like "Morality".  Even in the age of the first Revolution, there were many who would have restrained their fellow man if able.

Proper morality is a genetic trait.  Either you have it, or you do not.  I believe the same of Rightful Liberty.  It is in the DNA of a very few Human Beings.

Sadly, it is not in the Nature of Man to restrain himself.  Few today have that inner moral compass properly tuned.  If we seek to grow our breed of American, Americans who restrain themselves from imposing their will upon their neighbors, the proper step is to come together under a single roof wherever possible, and separate ourselves from our fouled Countrymen.  Keep your children out of the hands of those who would corrupt them.  And when the time is right, we expand once again.

But first, we must not die.

We must not permit the Liberty in our Hearts and Souls to end up in ditches.

The Enemies of Liberty have that plan, and you know it.  You see the ground being prepared.

The perverted Christian will smugly put you in a ditch as quickly as will the Marxist and the Muslim.

That "Patriot" at your shoulder may be leading you toward the ditches.  You've seen the clues.  You've seen his or her words.  You've felt the doubt in your own heart.  You've seen those "Patriots" who declare love for 1A, then cry for shutting down websites and allegations of "Fetishism".  You've seen and heard "Patriots" try to lead you toward conspiracies and imprudent action with whispers.  You've all watched "III Patriots" who seethe and promise "Not one more inch..." and then surrender 2A without even a whimper, only excuses.

You are ultimately responsible for your own life.  You.

Ignore the truth at your peril.

No ditches.



  1. Well said, as usual. These third grade blog antics I see in the "community" are disheartening. I wonder how many new folks take one look at that and walk away...


  2. This quote here, although I agree with it, is the rub... "Few today have that inner moral compass properly tuned. If we seek to grow our breed of American, Americans who restrain themselves from imposing their will upon their neighbors, the proper step is to come together under a single roof wherever possible, and separate ourselves from our fouled Countrymen." This is the exact argument that I presented on Tam's sight to all those big "L's", as in Libertarians. How can they bash a congressional candidate for saying what he believes. How can a woman have any more "right's" than that which she carries. She's not giving birth to an iguana. Even though it's stated in the DOC, the fundamental right to life, liberty and the pusuit of happiness" are God given, rights. Until we recognize the rights of those "unborn", we have no leg to stand on, as they should also be granted those rights. Liberty as I understand it, is that I not trample on the rights of another, and they in kind. This is the kind of discussion that need's to be taking place, IMHO. Instead, it seem's we piss down other's throat's because they "waffle" on our or anyone else's definition of liberty. My opinion, is that when we can defend the liberties of the weakest among us, then we may have a leg to stand on.


    1. A crucial question is what is your definition of "we", as in "when we can defend the liberties of the weakest among us".

      Almost universally, that "we" is used to actually mean the government. The problem is that the government, at its most fundamental level, works on only one principle - the threat of violence. We in the "civilized" world tend to sweep this inconvenient fact under the rug and ignore it, but the ultimate power of government is only one thing - obey us or we will kill you.

      If you genuinely believe abortion is murder, would you be willing to put a gun to the head of an abortion doctor and say "stop performing abortions or I will kill you?" If not, do you have the moral authority to authorize a man with a badge, a uniform and a gun to do the same thing for you? If you wouldn't do that because you might go to jail, are you saying that your freedom is more important than the millions of human beings you believe are being murdered? Very tough questions when you look at them this way.

      That's the problem with any "we should" statement, especially when it really means "the government should". Transferring moral authority to any "we", be it a government or other group may let you avoid the harsh realities of how your desired outcome is achieved, but those harsh realities still exist.

      My response here isn't primarily about abortion. That is just the current example. The real discussion is about the individual vs. the collective, about if it is ever acceptable to pass moral authority from the individual to the collective, in whatever form it takes. Passing moral authority to the collective almost always involves an avoidance of responsibility by the individual for the implementation and consequences of the resulting decisions. Liberty usually suffers.

      The abortion question is a good example of how difficult Rightful Liberty can be. Legal and illegal, right and wrong, moral and immoral are not the same things. Involving government has generally been the worst way to resolve these types of issues but it tends to be the easiest, so that is the route most people take.

      These discussions are our way of trying to find a better solution. It's not easy. The majority these days don't even believe it is possible. We may not succeed, but we have to try. Our Liberty is at stake.


  3. PLEASE go to the trouble of distinguishing between self-interest, and yes even greed, FOR ONE'S OWN SAKE, versus the same AT THE EXPENSE OF ANOTHER. In a social context, this is THE essential distinction. Socially, it's what separates the good person from the bad person.

    Unless we stop fooling ourselves about "higher causes," it's just going to be the same ol', same ol' forever and ever. That falsehood's been passed for a zillion years now. You know this, and pandering to common judgment ain't gonna cut it this trip. The truly selfish man doesn't say, "F**k you;" he says, "Bless you for what you bring to the table."

    It's no secret any more---the battle has ALWAYS been between individualism and collectivism.


    "You are ultimately responsible for your own life. You."

    Right, exactly right. This is the corollary to The Axiom, "I own myself." Both are FACTS.

    Ethically, the only thing missing is that this IS the good. Self-interest doesn't imply either being alone or not working with others. Ever seen a self-interested businessman without a customer? Didn't think so. Businessmen are GOOD, even though they want to get rich. They CREATE value and they create it for OTHERS, even as their own motivation is entirely selfish.

    More...the super-self-interested person will cover your back BECAUSE he knows that this is what success in battle requires. He's out to WIN.


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