Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From Mike C: Jewish Mother Fights Armed Terrorist, Prevents ‘Itamar 2’

Krav Maga, folks.

6 months of serious training, and you will be better prepared for real violence than 99% of your Countrymen.  That is not hyperbole.  (The average American knows squat about real personal violence).

This mother in the story used Krav after being stabbed in the face, and saved herself and her children.

In a real fight, everyone gets bloody.  That's reality.  The key is to make him leak faster than you.

Here's the story.



  1. Speaking of Jewish mothers, IMO Zoomie's pic running currently at your masthead, is one of the best ever. And that's sayin' something, when it comes to Zoomie.

    That pic tells 10,000 words and can get through to anyone with half a wit. I hope it spreads far and wide.

  2. Oy gewalt! Being a 12 year KM practicianer, yes, it comes right back when the chips are down.

  3. Here's a 50 vs 2 Kung Fu battle



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