Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, November 16, 2012

The *I* word

There are Rs who want the Obama Legacy to go down in flames.

Benghazi will be their first attempt.

Anyone want to bet on how long it will take for a member of Congress or a major Establishment figure to use the word Impeach relating to Benghazi?  It won't go anywhere, but I'd bet very important body parts that the word will be thrown out there within 30 days.

We'll see...



  1. They were talking about this on the radio this morning. They also thought it wouldn't go anywhere.

  2. Everything's under control, ahem. I heard it myself--"the Parties are going to work together."

    For the first time in decades, I believe 'em.

  3. It's right up there with the other *I* word. Inevitable. ;)

    And yerp. We'll be seeing it. Soon. Just more clatter and chatter from the so called 'other side' of the aisle. Yet more distraction.

  4. http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/11/16/republican-insider-petraeus-gave-us-an-opportunity-now-we-need-all-of-your-help/ 2nd R.I. quote. All over it in certain circles.


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