Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Big Die-Off

I must admit I have changed my thinking on what will be the primary cause of the next massive Die-Off in America.

I still expect an economic implosion and the isolation of major metro areas that will create, interruptions of Just-in-Time, power struggles, and all the rest of it.  I still believe there will be strong pockets where .Gov remains capable of projecting force, and larger areas, more remote areas, where .Gov loses the ability to project force.

There will be violence, starvation and disease, all byproducts of the economic collapse and deliberate lack of aid from .Gov.

But I have now become convinced that more Americans will die because they will walk into the cattle cars.  Knowing the history, knowing their destinations, there is something about the vast majority of Americans who will just stay in line and step into the cars, then de-train and walk into the "showers".  Something in the American DNA is no longer there.

The number of people who may decide to resist when it comes to pushing and shoving will uptick, but it'll be way too late by then.

The number of people awake right now are the only ones with any sort of chance.

I would suggest if you are awake, get yourself into a physical location where others are already awake.  You know I'm headed to the Redoubt.  Maybe you and a few families can buy a defensible small farm that is way off the trail in or near your AO.

But only the hardest have a chance.  Folks like my fans in Key West will walk into the cattle cars - and won't be missed.

Isolated Patriots who think they are ready may have enough heads up to get a few shots off when the neighborhood gets locked down and cleared.

Only a strong Tribe, well prepared, and very hard to reach, has a chance.

Join one, or make one. 

But I have become convinced that the overwhelming number of Americans have had the FU gene bred out of them, as the Marxists planned more than a hundred years ago.

In the end, don't think I'm sad or doom & gloom.  Most who are going to die really bring little value to the gene pool anyway.  But the numbers will be numbing.  The numbers remaining will give the rest of us a chance.

But it sucks that as a species we are built this way.



  1. Kerodin


    Your right on the money. The election last month proved it. Fuel prices gone up, food, etc, etc and still sixty three million misguided fools voted for "Socialism and or National Socailism" To me, theres not much difference.

    I read about this before in Russia, 1917. Germany, 1933, North Korea, 1948. North Veitnam 1950's, Cuba, 1959, Cambodia, 1970's, Rhodesia, 1980's (I know I left a few out) anyhow one thing is certain. History always repeats itself.

    1. Sir: Take your 65 million number and up to to 115ish - everyone voting in 2012 voted for a Marxist. A few voted R in an attempt to slow down the train, but the overwhelming majority of American voters want Marxism, even if they call it "Social Justice" or some other Brand.


  2. Well, there are a few of us trapped by circumstance that don't fear death and aren't afraid to take as many of the motherfuckers with us as we can.
    I realize that I probably won't survive, but I'm damned sure gonna make my death worth it.
    I've had a great life. No regrets.

    1. I get ya, Kenny. And I know for a FACT there are Patriots who are headed to the Redoubt for one primary reason: To make their families as safe as possible befoe gearing up and heading back out to get some.

      You may die, but it won't be alone.


  3. "But it sucks that as a species we are built this way."

    We're not built that way; quite the contrary. That's why it took thousands of years of Pavlovian type training, to get us to be that way.

    People thought the Earth was flat for a long time, too.

    1. Jim: Not all of us are, but look around. I think you are far too much of a realist to misinterpret that an essential strain of FU has been bred out of Americans in a few generations.


    2. It was taught and that which is taught can be untaught. Hey, I'm tryin'...

    3. Sounds like what Jim is saying is that we weren't ORIGINALLY built this way, and that indeed it has been bred out of the original strain of human.

      Until, almost finally, we have the penultimate breed that will pretty much go along with anything. By and large we aren't 100% domesticated sheeple that'll sign off on anything that those who mean to be Masters want, but darn close.

      Give us the lesser of two weasels and we'll argue amongst ourselves for months which one is the better of the two instead of realizing that they all are equally worthless.

    4. Jim: My reply sounds like I was picking nits by quibbling over a few generatons versus thousands of years. I get your larger point - that some men have been trying to breed-out the independence gene from humans nearly since the beginning of Man himself.

      K ;)


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