Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Citadel makes TOP LINE of Drudge

The Citadel made the top line at Drudge.
Well done to all of you!


  1. What a nice surprise to open my favorite news site and see that as a headline.
    Man, my hippie gassing didn't even make Drudge.....

  2. Sam,

    Hats off to you and company!!!! I woke up at midnight and decided to look at Drudge before going back to bed...... Congrats!

    Bill Nye

  3. can't believe its leading on drudge. gonna be a good day

  4. I was really glad to see it on there. I started forwarding it to everyone I knew, either through Facebook, email, or text. Glad to see it wasn't negative publicity too. I'm sure once NBC or one of the others gets ahold of it, it will be.


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