Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I know you can feel it...

...there is a hardening among Patriots.


A resignation.

I mentioned many weeks ago that guns and ammo were selling because Americans were preparing for war.

As I reflect on that analysis and consider the general calm among the men and women I consider allies, the Warrior in me can only nod in respect.

I do not see panic.  I do not see outrage.  I do not see unhinged emotions.

I see acceptance.

I see an American trait that I had feared was all but dead.

I see Patriots who have simply decided it is what it is, and if they mean to have war...come get some.

Whatever comes in the coming hours, days, or months, I am proud to have known you.



  1. Proud to have known you too. If I don't get a chance for a formal goodbye, I'm sure y'all will understand.

    Bring it on, you sons of bitches.

  2. I feel it too. Not afraid or particularly angry. Just ready. I hope we all meet at some point before, but if not we will have a toast after. Godspeed brothers. -55six

  3. Kerodin, it's my Honor, as the Patriots above have said. I hope that others will agree that you've been a great influence with your writings and insistence on the foundations of Liberty and Freedom. If I don't get to the Green put a notch in the coup stick for me.


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