Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Remember: The Universe doesn't care...

This last week has been busy for several people and projects in our little III world.

Last week one of our little helpers sent several IIIGear orders out with the wrong patches.  Not the end of the world, new packages with proper patches shipped.  A small pallet of other IIIGear orders shipped.  4 new IIIGear orders placed with vendors, thanks to all of the new Patriots who are finding the III.

Discussions on a very preliminary level with certain elected officials in Texas about locating a Citadel and related businesses along the Gulf Coast.  More Citadel discussions with 2 international documentary film makers who want the Citadel as a series - and yes, you'd recognize the names.  (In case you are wondering - there are more than 18 such film makers we have not answered.)  III Arms has an event coming up that has kept several people busy - from publishing a newspaper with a tip of the hat to Thomas Jefferson, to arranging trips to Chicago and other destinations, to having banners made, and more.

Contact with a local official in Idaho regarding Citadel details was made.

There is much more, but who cares?  They are all details.

What have you done in the last week to prepare for the Evil that this way comes?

You know it is coming.  You know it is not slowing down to give you more time to prepare.  Did you use the last week wisely?  If your preps are good, did you lay-in barter goods from the liquor store and tobacco house?  Did you hit the Krav mats?

In the last week the Enemies of Liberty have continued to lay the ground and advance on your positions.  Earth has traveled about 11.2 million miles in the last week.  A few meteors hit.  About 1.07 million people died in the last week.  About 2.5 times as many were born.

How many years do you have left, if you die of natural causes at an "average" age?

There is a big world out there.  There is a lot that happens every day that has nothing to do with whether or not Liberty in America expands or contracts.  Your life is on a countdown clock.  Make sure you get some Life in before you croak-out.

And here's another hint: If each and every Patriot in America would simply gear up and live for one single month at true Liberty, protecting the Liberty beneath your feet against advances by Tyrants of every ilk, Liberty would be secure for generations.

But that's another conversation.


1 comment:

  1. What did I do? I converted another guy at work yesterday who already was leaning our way in his feelings but didn't know where to find the facts. Two in two weeks, man.
    That's pretty good, huh?


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