Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Concept to Concrete: Months

In the very near future the first III Pioneers will be going to Idaho to advance the Citadel Project.

From concepts to concrete in months.

How many more months might we have before some American bank takes 10% of all deposits? 


Third grade arithmetic is all one needs to understand that the economy must fail.

History has shown us several times what happens when economies fail.

Where will you be when it happens?  Will you still be in suburbia, thinking you have more time?

If you have been waiting to buy a hundred bricks of 22lr for your preps - you waited too long.

What have you been putting off?  Rice?  Seed?  Water?  Fuel for a generator?

What if you don't have as much time as you think?

You will be alive during a historic paradigm shift for we silly bipeds...

...but for how long?


1 comment:

  1. They already take your money. Every time they print more, it's the same as them taking it out of your account... it's just more subtle so you don't really notice.


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