Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are we in the opening days of final collapse?

Who knows.  I sure don't.

I do know that even in Mankinds bloodiest wars, there are more places that are serene and "as usual" than places where people are fighting. 

European markets are bleeding out, and many self-interested hands are attempting to apply tourniquets.

The metals market is being manipulated to extremes at the moment, and for anyone who reads between the lines to determine how close we are to implosion - this one is probably causing more than a few cold sweats.

With the Boston attack and follow-on actions in mail, combined with general jitters, America is looking shaky.  And of course during all of this, Congress made it legal again to loot the system via insider intel.  Interesting, is it not, that as a nation we don't simply revolt when such blatant thievery is done in our face?

Bad People may find a way to delay the inevitable again - just remember it remains inevitable at this point and every trendline is in decline.

Anyone who is skittish about traveling too far from home to make it to King's Mountain should not hesitate to change their plans.  You have to do what you think is best for your family and tribe.  If that means staying home - stay home.  Not one of us will think less of anyone who chooses to remain near home and hearth in these days.

I will be there.  I want to meet as many of you as possible before Life takes me west for a long period.  I'll be heading out early Saturday, not lingering. 

Stay safe.


1 comment:

  1. WELL at least Congrees grew some balls and defeated the gun bill on Back ground checks....
    Thats a right move in the right direction. Obammy is pissed..
    Papa Mike


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