Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A real Constitutionalist Sheriff?

A Militia ally forwarded this to me.  At the moment we are all treating it with a bit of caution.

If it is legit, it is a good thing.  Would you follow a LEO who abjectly refuses to follow unconstitutional laws?  I would - if he turns out to be sincere.  And at the moment we simply don't know if he is that sincere.

I know this - if he is sincere and he picks up the march on DC where Kokesh left off, I am sad to say I am out of position.  This would be the ideal time to march with our open holsters and our shirts that declare "This is the last time we come unarmed."

But, it is what it is and I don't have time to lend the proper support if it is legit.

I do not like the hubris of telling Americans that only law enforcement should carry armed - but he may be erring on the side of caution, rather than assuming his status is above we rabble.  We shall see.

Until then, keep an eye on it, and keep an open mind.

I hold out hope that there are at least a few principled LEO.

I hope - but I won't hold my breath.

Here's the link.

If any of you have more intel, please pass it on.



  1. This is ongoing, latest update he is a City Police Chief, not a sheriff as first reported.

    A unit commander spoke with him by phone and was advised he is not calling for an armed march into DC. He is asking for patriots of any type to show up and lend support to the LEOs who will march.

    All Militia groups I have spoken with who support this would show up in full battle rattle and camp on the Virginia side of the Potomac. No decision yet on way or the other.

    Some folks just really want to shake their arms in the tyrants face.

  2. Looks like Kessler has broken ties with Sheriff Mack, CSPOA, Rhodes and OathKeepers.

    From his Facebook:
    "Friends , Thank you for all your support , I have removed myself from the brither deal !!!, Im am also pulling my support from oath keepers, and cspoa, because of this STATEMENT

    John Oetken
    Mark Kessler Mark. I spoke to Richard Mack and he has clarified that he is against any armed march by LEO, citizens, or anyone.
    I have also posted this in Oath Keepers
    Neither Oath Keepers, nor Stewart Rhodes, nor CSPOA, nor Richard Mack is calling for or supporting any armed march into Washington DC by law enforcement, citizens or anyone else.
    I WILL NOT SUPPORT ANYONE WHO GOES AGAINST THE SECOND AMENDMENT ( EVER ) I suggest all TRUE OATH KEEPERS join me and MY CAUSE WITH CSF, we are true American patriots , I don't need anyone reminding me of my oath !!"

    Here's a link to his webpage: http://chiefkessler.com/


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