Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Oh, dear wayward Conservatives...

So, Texas has passed a Voter ID law.

Good, say you?  Now we can eliminate voter fraud?

The R's and especially the Conservatives love voter ID.

Hitler loved Voter ID, too.  So did Stalin.  There are a few more on this list, but you know the names.

There are ways to ensure people only vote once.  There are ways to secure the entire voting process.  A big part of it begins with fixed bayonets, marching illegals back south of the border and making sure no more come in.  Another part is securing the process of counting the votes.

But if you are in favor of Voter ID, then I must ask you to think hard on the premise:  Show me your papers!

Sorry folks, that's what Voter ID is all about.

And don't give me the "...you need an ID to buy beer or buy a gun or drive a car..." because in a Constitutional world, you do NOT need a license or proof of ID for any of those things.  Jefferson didn't carry ID issued by Virginia.  And no, you aren't going to win me over with a "We live in a different world today - we need ID..." argument. 

Bending knee to the "We all need to prove who we are..." doctrine is straight out of every Tyrant's Wet Dream Handbook.

Here's a link to "Texas Fred" on the topic.  (Fred's not real fond of III Patriots, he thinks we are a bit wide-eyed and dangerous...)



  1. This and the other two posts you put up today are the classic Kerodin posts challenging individuals to use their logic. Those of us who were public schooled were not taught logic (the younger you are the worse this condition is, as it has escalated in our public schools) and sometimes we need to have things put into perspective.

    It seems that during my journey into the Patriot community and the ever elusive Liberty, I am constantly peeling away misconceptions, deceptions, and downright lies that I was brought up on. It does not surprise me that only a few take this trip, it is disturbing and uncomfortabe in so many ways. Not just on a National and historic level, but on a personal level.

    Basically, the Constitution and the BOR are not a buffet table to choose what you like or what is to your advantage. It's all or none.

    Miss Violet
    PS- Safe travels.

  2. I do think you're dangerous and a threat to society... Wide-eyed? That is your own assumption... Try sticking to the truth... I took issue with you over some of your members that plainly stated that they would fire on ANY police officers that came to their door dressed in combat gear.. Actually, I wish a few of you would do that, you need to see what the SWAT guys really can do to anarchist cretins such as yourselves...

    1. Fred, there's really no need to be an ass. You posted a commentary, I took a counter-point. Let's try having a rational conversation.

      Giving the State the power to demand an American to "Show his papers" is not an Anarchistic position - it is simply unconstitutional. I'm really a fan of the Constitution - as written, not as interpreted by power-hungry Statists.

      Not one person demanded Ben Franklin show his state-issued ID when he signed a few of the documents we so revere, nor were the ratifiers in the States forced to show ID...


    2. TF is PO'd... ok... now what..? first, can we define or(better) IDENTIFY those whose response you found so grievous "members" of what group exactly..?? to my knowledge, the III Patriots has no membership per se... as for a few who would fire on (or attempt to) to protect themselves from unlawful entry, search and seizure have tried and died - a few dreadfully wrongfully and without much apology nor reparation... so what is your point..?? do you realize that a few(not near enough) municipalities are actually drafting if not altogether passing legislation making self-protection in such instances "legal"..??? you seem to have inadvertently made a case for those same "members" you decry and malign as "anarchist cretins"...

      I'm proud to be named in the number of III Patriots and I'm certainly undeserving of your ire and/or satire... attitudes like yours is a part of the whole which has us where we are in this country... some of us would see things change and are preparing for it... anarchist cretin indeed...

  3. Let's try having a rational conversation? Let's don't and say we did... I stated TRUTH and you say I am being an ASS? You are what I thought you to be, a fool of the 1st order..

    Thanks for the link, makes MY hits look good, and let's face it, some of your readers need a breath of fresh air after breathing all of your BS...

    1. Fred: Yep, I called you an ass for the "...anarchist cretins..." remark, and you just proved you are in this Liberty fight for the web hits, not patriotism.

      You're welcome for the hits, by the way. And what do I get out of it? A prime example for my audience of the dangerous "Law & Order" SWAT boot-lickers like you and yours. Don't you worry none, I'm sure your local SWAT boys will eat you last, for your support. Because they RESPECT you, Citizen. Yeah, that's it, respect. And you dig right into your pocket like a good Citizen when they demand you prove who you are - you go ahead and applaud them for violating your 4A Rights, and say "Thank you, may I have another?"

      Ladies and Gentlemen, I have done my annual duty of trying to teach one pig to sing. This is why I left the "Hearts & Minds" fallacy. The gene pool will simply be better-off without the shallow thinkers.


  4. Thanks for the insight to your personality TexasFred, it is not one to be envied.

  5. In my opinion only male property owners should be allowed to vote.

    Oh, and Freddy, I suppose I could be considered a Cretin on a certain level. But I take issue with the anarchist tag. Target transition time for me between communists, progressives, liberals, Nazis, Greens, Muslims and anarchists are exactly the same. I may be a lot of things, but an anarchist I ain't.

    You really have to focus. There are meds for that sort of thing. And electro-shock therapy. You're a Texan for Christ's sake. Act like one.

  6. Regardless of how the leftist government has trampled on individual rights all police officers are aware of this fact and it should be known by liberty-minded patriots as well, you do not have to allow yourself to be arrested if it is unlawful.
    If an officer tries to arrest you in clear violation of the law, you may resist in any way you choose. This ruling by the Supreme Court is still in effect.

    “Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529. The Court stated: “Where the officer is killed in the course of the disorder which naturally accompanies an attempted arrest that is resisted, the law looks with very different eyes upon the transaction, when the officer had the right to make the arrest, from what it does if the officer had no right. What may be murder in the first case might be nothing more than manslaughter in the other, or the facts might show that no offense had been committed.”
    Fred you should hang out with a real Fred, he could teach you a thing or two, or maybe not.

  7. I AM wide-eyed and dangerous...and proud of it.
    Being that way keeps one alive.


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