Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So - you're going to carry even where it isn't allowed...

And LEO has the technology to know when you are carrying, even from a patrol car or as you walk through a train station...

...then what do you do?

Remember, they do not care anything about your Natural Rights. 

Here's the story.



  1. What else might block your body's energy similar to the way a gun would... and how do we get non-gunnies to carry such items in large numbers? Maybe a special cell phone case that protects the cell phone from bumps. Or a wallet (like the woven stainless steel ones I've seen advertised) to protect your ID from RF scanners. If everyone had a "blocked zone" the scanners would be useless.

  2. I do not believe these scanners are passive receivers, and if they are not, this form of radiation is especially damaging to the ability of our bodies to repair damage, replicate cells, and produce gametes for reproduction.

    From MIT: http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/24331/

  3. How about undershirts that have a radio-opaque (tin foil?) message on them, like FU PIG? Or a metallic jock strap? Metallic thong for the ladies?


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