Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cato: Branding Ideas

Cato has some ideas for increasing our Brand awareness.

Anything that gets the III Brand out there in a manner that portrays us as being serious advocates of Liberty and/or willing to kick Leftist butt and mock them, ridicule them, and meet them on The Green when necessary, is good Branding.

Remember, folks - the III Stickers are free for download if you have labels. Go for it. Remember that we only started selling them through the 527 because not everyone wanted to drop $50 for a box of labels. I don't blame you, either. So, feel free to run a batch. I have no problem with anyone using the logo for any pro-III purpose, especially if you manage to annoy a Commie. I've sent a hi-res copy to several people who wanted to print shirts in their preferred colors.

Here's the link to Cato. Pass it on.


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