Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More on You didn't build that...

Here's the statement from Stephanie Miller on the topic:

“Mitt Romney recently launched a TV ad that blatantly twists President Obama’s words on small-business owners and entrepreneurs. Romney’s not telling the truth about what the president said and is taking the president’s words out of context," Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Miller said in a new web video released today.

"Apart from the flagrant hypocrisy, these attack ads make you wonder, does [Romney] even understand how our economy works?" Cutter asks in the video.

"With the public and private sectors working together to create a climate that helps us grow," she said. "President Obama knows that."

Just to put that lie in perspective for you - if you or I were to say those exact words to a Federal LEO, we'd be exposed to a 5 year Time-Out in Federal Prison.

We no longer live under Rule of Law. Please stop coloring within the lines until we rid our country of these liars, cheaters and tyrants. Here's the link.



  1. Oh, I never color within the lines...and I don't use crayons either, but big black permanent markers. ;)

    Miss Violet

    1. Wait, there are lines?! Oops.

  2. soetoro-obama is the Manchurian candidate. There is MORE than enough evidence to impeach his sorry ass for Article II, Section I violation of the US Constitution.

    I will NOT address the ass clown as "president". He is a fake, a liar, a fraud.



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