Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Welcome to our Tribe! Here is a spoon, your job is to go find landmines!

CA linked to LF about who may be rudely suprised if they show up at Tribe HQ when SHTF.

What do you bring to the table is the general premise. If you are worth more than your burden to the Tribe, you may get to stay.

Babylon weighs-in as well. In a hard world that will be filled with Hard Things, he considers "useful" to potentially include people who may be utilized to help identify OpFor Sniper Nests by walking in the middle of the street. I call them Useful Idiots. Yes, they do have a place in a hard world.

Are you hard enough and smart enough to use people as expendable commodities in the game of Life or Not-Life?

CA's link is here.

LF is here.

Babylon is here.

I am.



  1. Sometimes it seems like both sides consider my handicapped daughters as useless liabilities. In their world, I am the only one willing to protect them with my life. I guess I have to set myself up as best as possible to be their safe haven, because it damn sure seems no one else will consider them worthy of saving. And I damned sure won't allow them to be useful idiots for anyone's cause. My bleak and scary world just got a whole lot bleaker and scarier.

    1. Angel: If you have what you need to feed, clothe and otherwise take care of your family, then you are net neutral in terms of burden, and between you and your hubby, probably a net gain because of the skills and knowledge you bring to the table.

      The above considerations assume a Mad Max scenario, which I think is highly unlikely. I do think things will be rough and ugly, especially radiating outward in concentric circles from every major metro.

      If you and your husband have all of your needs covered for 12 months, plus extras for select people who may need a few things, you run the show and set the rules. ;) Build your own tribe, and anyone who thinks your daughters are a liability, obviously, gets a knife in the neck...then you take their gear.

      And I am not joking.


  2. Knife in the neck, shovel to the head, whatever it takes. Thanks K. And it's mostly me, hubby thinks I'm nuts.

  3. Isn't that what the Iranians did during the Iran Iraq war? You are no patriot.
    John the Infidel.

    1. Sorry John. Good luck to you and yours.

      The world is a Hard Place.


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