Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, September 30, 2012

III Arms: November 6th

It was just a few months ago we in this III Community considered an Arms company to finance a III community.

And here we are.

Where will we be?

Your III Arms Company has products, a President, a media plan.  Unknowns still include price points and delivery timeline.  But those questions will be answered within the next 30 days.

Here is the question that is beyond the control of the people employed by III Arms: How many Patriots will buy III Arms rifles and 1911s?

November 6th is Buy a Gun Day.  It is Election Day.  It is also the first day that III Arms will accept orders for firearms.  It is a very big deal for the company that the number of orders placed on November 6th be a very big number.  The number of orders placed on that day will inform the people in the company what sort of success the company can expect with initial offerings.  Right now the company has advertised to a finite and generally quantified number of motivated people.  The number of orders will be a good representation of what can be expected as advertising reach is widened.

Orders will be taken online at the III Arms website.  That form will go live at the right time.

How many firearms will be ordered?  25?  50?  100?  Twenty five units would be a good day.

One hundred units ordered on D-Day will result in families moving to Idaho in December.

Help III Arms hit the goals. How can you help?  When the time is right (Jim will make the announcement) if every single one of you goes out into the gun blogs and follows Bonnie Gadsden's lead and you tell the world the company exists, that they are accepting orders, you will help drive customers to III Arms.

So, if you intend to purchase a III Arms firearm, please consider placing that order on Day One, D-Day, November 6, 012.



  1. hello my name is robert whittington I believe I am one of the founding fathers of this deal.I am wondering about rules the conversations worry me.Its starting to sound like a HOA.I never heard on seen anything like that before I joined up. will take that I wont be welcome.If so good luck.

    1. Robert: Have you read this thread: http://iiipercent.blogspot.com/p/iii-citadel-patriot-agreement.html

      Read through that and I think you'll see we are not going for anything like an HOA. Most of the "Rules" are things Patriots do anyway, and will repulse Libs.


  2. hello my name is robert whittington.I am wondering about all the rules sounds like a HOA.I am a supposed founder.If I am I different or suspect will I be welcomed or shunned. It seems to me the agreenent yall want signed I will never do.so as I understand the 3 percent vow wont do then have it.I will take that shit here

  3. yes I have

    1. OK: Can you share which of the rules you don't like and why? We haven't finalized anything yet, and every opinion matters. Just remember the purpose of the Citadel is to provide for the Common Defense, and all of the rules were generally practiced by the original Minutemen.

      As to preps, that is because if we close the gates in a SHTF world, everyone must have their own food and water.

      Some folks have taken the position they will choose to buy a piece of property near the Citadel, instead of inside. That may be the best answer for you after we talk about which rules you don't like.

      Let's move this discussion up to the proper thread, here's the link: http://iiipercent.blogspot.com/p/iii-citadel-patriot-agreement.html

      This way others will be able to weigh-in. I am going to be out of town beginning tomorrow for several weeks (I was supposed to leave yesterday but was delayed), so I may not be able to respond as often as possible. But I promise nothing will become final until after I return home, so we can have plenty of time to work it out for everyone.


    2. Robert,

      We genuinely want to know what it is you object to. I hope you go to the Patriot Agreement thread and share your specific concerns.

      Your post is very vague, so this is a guess, but you seem to imply that we wouldn't accept something about you. I haven't seen anything in any of the comments that makes me think that our group is prejudiced in any way. On the contrary, our belief in Rightful Liberty means that we have a very live and let live attitude and judge people only by their willingness to share our belief in Rightful Liberty. Do you disagree with the concept of Rightful Liberty?

      The declared purpose of the III Arms Company, right from the start, was to support the Citadel. The declared purpose of the Citadel was to create a community of Liberty oriented Patriots, inside a fortified structure that could be defended in times of social, economic and/or political collapse.

      Are you not willing to prepare for the possibility of a collapse? Are you not willing to defend yourself? If not, why would you have been interested in this project in the first place?

      We're not deciding what color everyone can paint their houses. We are deciding what it will take to stay alive. If having compatible firearms, being proficient with them, training for emergencies and stocking ammunition and food are unacceptable to you, how do you expect to survive? Why were you even interested in the concept in the first place if these things aren't important to you?

      Please don't take these comments as an attack. It is a genuine request for more information. It seems that either there is something you don't understand about the concept of the Citadel or there is something that we have not made clear about our goals and methods and reasoning for what we are doing.

      I'm sure there are many who heard about the Citadel project after the original Founders buy in was over. It would be up to Kerodin to decide whether to allow it, but I know that if you feel you were misled in any way that there are those who would gladly buy out your share for the opportunity to be one of the Founders.

      For me, this is the opportunity of a lifetime, something that I can hardly believe I was fortunate enough to hear about and be a part of. The Citadel will be a better place to live than literally any other place on the entire planet and I don't feel I'm exaggerating in the slightest when I say that. I look forward to having neighbors who share a fundamental belief in Liberty and are people who I would be proud to fight side by side with. My entire outlook on the future has changed drastically for the better because of this project.


  4. One for sure, possibly as many as four.

  5. Sam,

    What do you think is up with these hit and run posts that say, "The rules suck so count me out"? None offer the specifics you ask for and there doesn't seem to be any meaningful dialogue to sort it out. I don't see the point to it.


  6. Beats me. One person had an issue with a third party and that was worked out.

    Robert above and the first (can't remember his name) haven't emailed or replied either way.



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