Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gloom & Doom? Not me...

Expansion and contraction is a cyclical constant in our Universe.

It is the natural way of things.

Consider the expansion and contraction of Liberty: Greece.  Rome.  The English Empire and the Rights of Englishmen.  1776.

In our history each period that experimented with notions of Liberty, each civilization that practiced the concept expanded and then contracted.  The argument can be made that each iteration of Liberty resulted in an evolution of the concept, bringing us ever closer to Jefferson's Rightful Liberty.

Now please look at the artwork above from Zoomie.

He captured this cycle, in my mind.

Ours, the American iteration of Liberty, is presently contracting under the pressures of Marxism and stupidity coupled with greed.  How far will it contract this cycle?  The days of walking anywhere in America under the belief that we were safe from tyranny are over.  Some of us are looking to old-school tech to weather the storm - fortified walls and circled wagons, with only our most trusted allies allowed at our shoulders.

But I am convinced that from this contraction, Patriots can unleash Liberty that has not yet been seen on the planet.  It is in our power to come closer to Rightful Liberty than any people have ever come.  First, we must understand that this contraction is happening.  Go with that energy and do not fight it.  When the slack tide comes, stand tall and push Liberty outward, and release an explosion of brilliant light, huge portions of the people of the world may push back their local oppressors and escort into the experience of Man the most personal Liberty ever yet experienced.

It will not be easy.  Success is not ensured.  But the task falls to you and me.  There are Hard Things before us all.  We are living in these moments of potential and opportunity, riding the ebb tide of contraction, and we shall surge back to shore upon the tsunami of Liberty.

I do not think Liberty will die.  I think it is going through growing pains, growth that is being measured in centuries.  You and I are here on Earth at this time, in this place, for a reason.

Look at Zoomie's picture above.  We are going to rely on hard fortifications and old-school ass-kicking to get through this, but in the end Liberty comes out bigger, stronger, just as John Parker looms larger in the image, bigger than the fortifications that will mark the end of this contraction.

Remember that Benjamin Franklin had the wisdom to advocate that the Colonies unite to form a stronger entity.  That same logic and truth remains today.

Balkanization will injure Liberty and must be avoided - and we have the power to avoid it, if we have the courage.  Let us not settle for falling back into a comfort zone, with a false sense of security.  If we leave Enemies of Liberty on the field, they will come again.  United we stand, divided we fall.  Now is not the time for a fearful retreat, but time to acknowledge the opportunity and to drive tyrants into Balkanized lands.  Time to make the other guys retreat and cower for their philosophies of oppression.

Do not despair, Patriots.  Freedom isn't free, and paying the dues will fall to us.  So let's pay them.  Let's pay it forward sufficiently to buy Liberty for the next 500 years with our efforts.  You are up to this task.  You have to be up to this task.  I will stand with you.

What did you do today to improve the odds for Liberty?  Here's what Bonnie Gadsden did, here.


1 comment:

  1. Now the collectivists get over-confident and chase their opponents into the ground the opponents have chosen. Now is a day to smile.... They own the collapse when the things dictated by apolitical mathematics come to pass. Never forget that.



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