Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just a thought...

What does it say to you that the FBI can penetrate email from the CIA Director?

Not only that they can do it, but that they would do it.

Really.  Just noodle that through for a while.



  1. Either this is circles within circles, or it's the .gov version of a sparklie.

  2. Holy crap. Citation?

    I can't decide if this tells me that they are stupid, that the FBI has too much power, or to never send anything in email that I don't want intercepted.

    Well, I guess it tells me all of those. Still, do you have a link? I need it to forward to someone, just to see the look on their face as they try to process this.


    1. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/10/fbi-probe-petraeus-emails-purportedly-led-to-discovery-extramarital-affair/

  3. Scratch that, I found the link.


    "By chance" is the operative word here. No, they didn't find it by chance. They found it on purpose (or it was put in front of them on purpose). Well, I guess we know who is going to take the fall on Benghazi now....


  4. I just read that a few minutes ago. That the FBI was into the CIA director's email. And I was like... Huh? Did I read that right? Was this a typo? Did some noob flub the story...

    So I looked around on other sites and articles and sure enough... the FBI was poking around in Petraeus' email.

    And so I says to myself... huh... izzintthatsumpthin'...

    When the FBI is poking around in the head of the CIA's email, and heads aren't f'kin rolling at the FBI... something is seriously wrong in Oz, kiddies.

    Now we get to play the game of WHO ORDERED Petraeus' email to be monitored, and why? (Obviously it wasn't due to the piece of tail on the side. Heck, almost every high profile politician has mistresses.)

    Did the order come from within or outside of the FBI? It's also been going on for several MONTHS. Interesting, no?

  5. It's pretty bad when the postal service is the most secure way to deliver a private message thousands of miles away.

  6. The government uses a program called Einstein 3. In addition to spying on us civilians it also acts as a digital political officer.


  7. People should really understand that the internet is about as private as sky writing. You don't even have to be in the same building as the sender or receiver. Just have to know who their service provider is or if it is a cable connection get an account on the same trunk line. Interception can be done totally by computer with automatic flagging of key words. I don't think they even need a warrant because it is considered so public.

    Mail is still considered private. Worse than that, though, is that monitoring is a totally manual process that takes up many man hours. I would caution though that virtually all non business envelopes have an image taken of them for sorting, so it would be possible to monitor who your regular contacts are. Don't know of it has actually been done yet. Just a heads up. I run one of those sorting machines, so that is first hand info.


  8. You mean my hushmail and Tor aren't secure? Aww dang!


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