Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 6th

This will be my last post until tomorrow evening.

To every single Patriot who has put in work and moral support, thank you.

If you can purchase a firearm tomorrow, I hope it will be a III Arms 1911 or AR.  The order forms will go live tonight at midnight Eastern Time.  Options and pricing will be on the forms.


Citadel: If you are part of this audience and you want to reserve your place in the Citadel, please go now and submit the simple online form at IIICitadel.com.  The Citadel project will begin to earn attention beyond our community beginning tomorrow night, and reservations will be on a first-come first-serve basis, except for you if you get your reservation in by tomorrow night. Your reservation is non-binding and free, it simply ensures you are one of the first in line when the project is ready to take the next step.

We'll know what "The next step..." for the Citadel will be once we know how much support there is for III Arms.  There are several exciting announcements in the queue for the Citadel, but they will be rolled out after Buy a Gun Day.

If you remember, America 527 will also be selecting six customers who will receive gift certificates to their local gun shop.  Five people will win $100 each, and one person will win $500.  I suspect the III Arms Company would accept those certificates as well, if you are so inclined and lucky enough to win.  ;)  We'll probably announce those winners Wednesday.

Stay safe, Patriots.


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