Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Where are you, Patriots?

This is one of those days in our year that makes most of us reflect on what we have in life.

Are you willing to give it up?

Are you willing to let foul human beings take this from you?

Are you going to permit Marxists and their Useful Idiots steal the happiness from the hearts of your loved ones?

Fuck them.

Stand and be counted.



  1. The answer for me is yes, I'm ready to rock. There are things worth fighting for vs. hiding behind the fortifications. Now don't get me wrong about Idaho, I'll go there. However, it seems to me that we are in the same situation as the native americans - the indians if you don't care about being pc. We are relocating to a sparsely populated area to live in our beliefs. Yes, ours is a voluntary move on the surface, but its either start somewhere new or be assimilated. I can't help but feel that we are being squeezed into a smaller and smaller area until we have no significance. That worries me...but still, I'd rather group together with patriots and hold on to what is legally ours than sell my soul for the shit sandwich that is being offered up now. Now straight up, I have an internal 'Mother of all lines in the sand' (MOALITS...?), when that gets crossed there will be action. I'm willing to speak of that line face to face - and I'm willing to travel.
    CM - Founder

  2. Give it up, my ass. It's time to start taking it back.

  3. So Ill just throw this out.

    You are talking about killing a lot of people.

    Bad, evil people who use politicians and unelected administrators to steal wealth, property and life.

    I wont shed a tear for them. They have had their day in the sun and have stolen more than just tangible things; they have corrupted two generations of americans and destroyed the fabric of this country.

    The question I have is how is it going to go down?

  4. My Mosin Nagants "Boris" and "Natasha", along with plenty of 7.62x54r have been ready to go. Nothing will be taken from me without one hell of a fight. The pisser is that I know I will die alone down here. It is coming down to the wire, and I don't have much wiggle room left at all. Virtually none...


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