Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Diana & Holly meet at last...

Boys and girls are different, in more than just the fun ways.

Consider the hard-wiring differences between us when crying, for instance.  Girls are wired to cry for many reasons.  Girls can cry nearly anytime, whether up or down, sad, lonely, or nail-spittin' angry.  Boys are wired (and socially permitted) to cry only when some really, really serious problem is present - and a compound fracture isn't good enough, even if it is his own bone.  When a boy is in the presence of a crying girl, we are usually convinced that there is a problem, and we need to fix it, right nowThat's how we stop the tears!  Fix it!

But you gals are sneaky.  Crying isn't just a sign of a problem, as we've already covered.  Sometimes you start a good cry when happy.

Leaving most of us guys in a position of serious confusion, and of If it ain't broke, how can I fix it so you'll stop crying?!

My wife began a happy cry this morning when Diana the Huntress visited for Chritmas, in the form of a new recurve.

Archery has always whispered to Holly, yet she'd never pursued it.

Now, she will.

Isn't that what leads to a happy life?  Follow your dreams...

Merry Christmas to you all.


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