Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, December 7, 2012

It can't happen here, huh?

If you still believe that, I can't help you.

I'm not much of a conspiracy guy, but I do think the White House knew it was coming.



  1. Well there is conspiracy fact and theory. This happens to be on the fact side of the spectrum.

    That was actually declassified years ago. Hell, I learned the truth from a good history teacher in high school. Yes they had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor and let it happen to draw popular support for the war.

    After Pearl Harbor, they had all the support they needed to officially declare war on Japan and Germany.

    Today should be a national holiday named 'Traitor's Day' in honor of what those bastards got away with, and for the fact that none of them were ever held accountable for it. Then again, it's never too late to start. I don't think there's a statute of limitations on treason. Israel still goes after 94 year old German prison camp guards, so there's certainly precedent for this kind of thing. I wonder who was involved back then that's still around these days?

    1. Properly Observing Pearl Harbor Day

  2. Found this easy 17 minutes of listening today (14 dec) & thought of your post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p8z1A3TsxU

    One of a great series of books I've already mentioned here once before: "World War II: the rest of the story" (http://chaostan.com/books-11two.html)which gives the lead-up to WWII and probably covers all and more of what the Mises.org speaker does.

    The entire Uncle Eric series is de rigueur for independent-schoolers!


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