Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Politics in play...

Holly made an interesting observation about the hypocrisy and the politics in play at the moment over Sandy Hook.

We'll be pummelled on every station for 2 weeks with relentless images of weeping people, little teddy bears and flowers piled on curbs, candle vigils, and small coffins, while bombarded by calls for disarmament of Americans.

Yet the American People are not permitted to see the load after load of dead Countrymen coming home in their coffins.

If you fall for the hyperbole and righteous indignation of the media and the politicians for a single moment, you can't be helped.



  1. Sandy Hook, another perspective. Erie is not the word.

    Also, the shooters father worked for Darpa and is also supposedly connected to the Libor rigging scandal as he is the loan guy for GE.

    The CO Theater shooter's father is also supposedly connected to the Libor scandal but I didn't find said connection.



  2. Smart dictators and oligarchs get the support of the military before implementing their agenda. These oligarchs are sill living in the 1960s where US troops in Vietnam were considered "baby killers." Not only are they not getting respect from the current oligarchs, they face downsizing and on top of that they are being forced to respect Islam and tolerate the crimes that operate under Islam's law while not being allowed to return fire.

    Plenty of them will follow illegal orders if/when turned against the people but being forced to face their countrymen for ungrateful leaders who hate them will exact its toll and the desertions and defections to freefor will inevitably happen.

  3. Too many discrepencies are coming up in this latest attack on our liberties. The allegations of a False Flag Operation in CT are finding some real legitimacy and traction.

    Only the most naive and blind of the sheeple can ignore that "somethings rotten in Denmark".



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