Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

If they mean to have a war...

Connecting the dots.

There are simply too many "clues" on display for any rational, thinking person to come to any conclusion except that our Country is moving at full-speed toward the scene of the crash.

I've given all the advice I know to give.

Lay in as much prep as you can get your hands on.  Go to your Krav classes until there are no more classes.  If you are planning to E&E out of your current location, check your gear and route, and check it twice.  If you plan to shelter in place, check your lists and check them twice.  Add more 1/4" steel plate.

Keep living your life until the moment you must change how you are living.

The Citadel and associated endavors are in overdrive.  We will not quit - even when Implosion hits. 

Two parting thoughts that you have seen and heard before: Once they force us into this fight, do not ever quit until every filthy trace of their Treason is gone and Liberty is left standing without challenge.

Two: In the absence of orders, go find something Evil and kill it.


1 comment:

  1. K,

    Thanks for the graphic. This is a perfect visual representation of what is happening, TPTB are simply trying to confuse us and overwhelm the system.

    In trying to inform/convince some of my family and close friends of what is coming down the pike I have used the "connect the dots pictures" and the "puzzle pieces" analogies to try and my make point. However, I will now add this visual representation to my arsenal as well.

    Alan S. Pedersen
    III Congressional Delegate SC
    Fort Mill, SC


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