Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Simo Häyhä: A song

BonnieGadsden sent me a cool link about Simo - a song based on the work he did on the Communists.  The group is Sabaton.  I'd never heard them before - they have a Godsmack/old-school Metallica flavor that works for me.  OK - that's enough pop culture.

Well, here's a smidge more, a brief lyric from another song that may or may not speak to you:

Human beings in a mob
What’s a mob to a king?
What’s a king to a god?
What’s a god to a non-believer?
Who don’t believe in anything?

We make it out alive
All right, all right
No church in the wild
Alright, out of my head now.  It's scary in there.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, he was a brave and good man. OTOH, shooting frozen Uzbeks may not have been that difficult; later during the Winter War, when Stalin sent in the first team, Simho took his near-fatal wound and
    The Finns had to settle for a deal that cost them a fair chunk of their country. Better than losing all of it though.


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