Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, January 7, 2013

There is a North Star to follow for Patriots...

When they drop the Optics...

There are millions of clever, self-interested people who will work daily to push Implosion into the future...

These are two points I have repeated time and again.  The recent floating of the "Trillion dollar coin" idea by "serious economists" reveals that even the most clever folks are running out of moves. 

Indeed, as has been illustrated many times by folks like Denninger, .Gov simply cannot stop printing or borrowing and dumping that "money" into the population or the immediate economic contraction would reveal the truth to even the dumbest among us, and implosion would be nearly immediate.  The detonations would be from sea to shining sea and border to border as the digital flow of funds stopped and the paper in your billfold will no longer be accepted in trade for chicken or gasoline or firewood.

Such an Implosion (call it a Reset) will sort itself out.  But as part of any such sorting out, it will be required by Nature that those members of the Herd who do not help the herd, shall be culled.  Nature will see to this culling through many avenues, from man-on-man violence for limited resources to starvation for those who cannot produce, to disease for those who cannot remain healthy enough to strive.

Nature insists upon balance and order, regardless of how we silly bipeds continue to try to re-write the fundamental Rules of Existence.

Harsh, perhaps.  These aren't my Rules, I just live here.

Given what you see and what you know, are you seriously still trying to find a way to win the Heart or Mind of that guy in the next cubicle?  Are you seriously still looking for an argument - a tool of Reason - to win the 2A debate?  Are you seriously still uncertain of who is, and is not, Friend or Foe?

Better to use whatever time remains to find a few people who think like you think and begin to stand back-to-back.

There is a North Star to follow through this coming storm.  Many of us see it, and know it. 

Keep your eye on the DoI, the Constitution and BoR and follow that light through the coming darkness, and not only will more of us live, the pain will be shorter and the benefits for our posterity greater.

No matter how dark or grim it may seem, know in your heart and see it in your mind, remind yourself that Men were able to embody those ideals in a framework for themselves.  We can return to that place.  It will not be cheap.  It will not be easy.  It will not be a journey we all survive. 

We do not always get to choose what storms will cross our paths in life. 

We all choose how we will meet the storms of our life.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post Sam, an accurate rendition of where things stand IMO. Of course, I wouldn't take a bunch of documents to be that North Star; I'd take your last line..."We all choose how we will meet the storms of our life."

    Exactly; that's the FACT of the matter and the best advice one can give is, "Choose right." I understand that's why you point to the documents; we are both saying the same thing, I'm sure.

    Meanwhile, I still haven't figured out what all the so-called Patriots are discussing about this gun (read: self-defense) stuff. Most of it seems to be trying to predict the future. Me, I go to the racetrack when I'm in the mood to do that.

    What is there to THINK about on this "issue"? I don't even see it as an issue, so I've got to use scare-quotes. I mean, are these people seriously pondering about what they're going to do when some other human tries to deny them their best means of self-defense?

    I can't get my head around that at all, and I'm not being facetious or patronizing or anything. What the hell is there to think about? Sure, there are groups of men that have so much power that maybe there won't be anything one can do--a few RPGs into one's home comes to mind--but so what? Even then, there's nothing to really think about...a guy prepares as best he can for as much as he can, and that's that.

    But if there IS something one can do about any of it, are people really tied up about what their "position" is going to be? I swear, I just can't figure that part out---do people really spend time pondering this?

    WHAT IS THERE TO THINK ABOUT??? Why would anyone care at all what someone else thinks about it, or discusses or legislates or whatever? What am I missing? Usually I'm the one who overthinks stuff, but in this case I think everyone else may be. Sorry to ramble so long, but this question is nearly driving me crazy.

    "Resist or disarm"...is there actually a rational soul who ponders that choice? To me, it's like "Breathe or put a bag over your head until you die."


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