Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lapua 200 Grain Soft Point

The Lapua Mega is for hunting big game. This bullet is at its best in the field and typically more than duplicates on impact, causing an immediate shock effect in your quarry. The Mega is a soft point bullet with a protective copper jacket – traditional hunting performance. This ensures that the bullet’s lead alloy core remains intact when shooting through brush or branch. The mechanical bonding locks the lead alloy in place, allowing the bullet to achieve up to 97% weight retention. Mega product family covers the most popular calibres in Scandinavia including 9 products.

Anyone have any suggestions about this bullet from a .308 rifle hitting a man-sized target at 200 yards or fewer?  Any idea what powder/charge you'd personally load, knowing that most shots would be 200 yards or fewer, but once in a while you'd like to tickle a medula or hit the Five-Hole at 300 or so?

Would anyone not feel comfortable going into Harm's Way with such a load?

Just curious...


1 comment:

  1. for 308s 30-06s and 300 win mags,,i like the barnes x bullets in 165 or 180 grain,they penetrate better than most and expand also,,they make a 223 the little big gun,try them,,


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