Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Balls, My Word, and the Patriots at my Shoulder...

III Arms - Up and running with a serious man at the helm.  Orders in the queue.

III Citadel - Beachead owned, up to 120 more acres possibly to be purchased, development begins when weather breaks, and by end of summer it will be in a position to serve as a muster point for III Patriots - more on that later.

IIIGear - Noticed how many Patriots know who you are when they see your III?  Know how many Enemies of Liberty will fall to a blade or hawk branded with a III?

III Books - Published - and more coming.

III Morale and Cohesion - yeah, most of us got that.  I'd eat a bullet for most of you.

III - More Patriots know who we are every single day, and claim the title.

III Some of us will meet April 19 - from coast to coast, border to border.

III - Are we headed in the right direction?

III - YOU are all that stands between Liberty and Death.

To quote CA: Muzzles Front!


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