Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Blog

Mrs. Wirecutter started a blog, here.  Yes, you need to be there.

Sidenote: Folks, I adjusted the settings to comment IIIPercent - too much Spam getting through.  I'm not sure how this may affect regular comments.  But no more Anonymous comments is the result, I think.



  1. In less from 2 years she's gone from oblivious to outraged - mostly in the last 12 months.
    It's true, I do have a talent for outraging people.

    Thank you for the referral - we do need more Lady Patriots speaking their minds.
    My best to HK, please.

  2. Thank you Sam! I appreciate your support. Hope all is well with you and Miss Holly.


Please post anonymously. III Society members, please use your Call Sign.